Channel: The Scarecast
Category: Entertainment
Tags: scary storyhorrorstoriesstorytimestory timescary storytimemaddmike creepyscary encountersscary storiesthe scarecastmaddmike scarytrue scary stories3 scary storieshorror storiesscarytrue scary storyscary stories realcreepy children storiescreepymaddmike
Description: 3 Scary Stories | Creepy Niece / Frightening Experience Last Night / My Friend Went Crazy **************************************** STORY #1 (0:00 - 12:30) My sister dropped off my niece last night. I don't think she's coming back. Writer: u/theoddcatlady STORY #2 (12:38 - 15:53) Had an incredibly frightening experience last night and wanted to know if anyone here has ever had a similar encounter Writer: u/sharkserrday STORY #3 (16:04 - END) My friend went crazy. Later found out she sent a guy 65,000 texts after one date and broke into his house. Writer: u/LNMthrowaway9 **************************************** SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ON PATREON AND HAVE EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO WEEKLY HORROR SHORTS BY GOING HERE: LISTEN TO THESE EXCLUSIVE STORIES BY ALVIN SCHWARTZ, AUTHOR OF SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK: - WONDERFUL SAUSAGE - HIGH BEAMS - THE BRIDE **************************************** MUSIC CREDITS: Chan Walrus - 1980's Horror Music 1 Hainbach - They Feel You Kevin MacLeod - Aftermath CO.AG Music - Murderous Minds / Pray For The Pain You Serve **************************************** SOCIAL MEDIA: ADD me on Facebook @ Mike Maddson LIKE my Facebook Page: FOLLOW me on Twitter SNAP me on Snapchat (I send updates through here) @MaddMikeHorror FOLLOW me on Instagram and Twitter @MaddMikeHorror Donate To My Patreon Account For Exclusive Content: Visit My Website @